Etyam Salon & spa's Privacy Policy
The confidence of our customers in our products and services depends on our ability to protect your personal data when they visit our website. The following information about our Privacy Policy reflects our commitment to maintain and ensure safe business relationships by protecting personal data and ensuring the right to privacy of each of the users of our website. In this document we explain how we use the personal data of our customers.
User rights
You have recognized the rights of access, rectification, cancellation and opposition, which you can exercise for free. The quickest and easiest way to exercise these rights is to access your user account and directly modify your data or delete your user account. Any information we need to store, by virtue of a legal or contractual obligation, will be blocked and used only for those purposes instead of being deleted.
You may also apply to exercise your rights to CIFy with its registered office in
Do you doubt our Privacy Policy?
If you have any questions or concerns about our Privacy Policy or want to exercise any right or action relating to your personal data, please contact us at the following e-mail address:
You do not want to receive information from us or want to revoke your consent?
You may object to the use of your information for advertising purposes, market research or development of satisfaction surveys at any time, as well as to revoke your consent at any time (without retroactive effect). To do this, you must send an email to the address XXXX @ XXX
If you have received publicity by email, you can also oppose from this email, clicking on the link included in it and following the instructions that are provided. Another easy way to stop the reception of this information is to access your user account and select the corresponding options. Please note that our systems may require a period of time that in no case will exceed 48 hours for your opposition or revocation to be effective, so that during this time you can continue to receive messages.
Social Plugins
In our website we offer the so-called social plugins of different social networks (eg the "Like" button on Facebook).
If you are a member of a social network and click on the corresponding social plugin, the social network provider can link your profile data with the information of your visit to that website. Therefore, it is advisable to find out about the functions of the respective social network.
Changes to the Privacy Policy
Our Privacy Policy may be updated, due to changes and legal needs, as well as due to improvements and changes included in the way we offer and provide our products and services. Therefore, we recommend that you visit and access our Privacy Policy periodically, in order to access and know the latest changes that may have been incorporated.